Actualités dans "APPELS"
nov 20, 2012

Inégalités et les personnes avec un handicap dans l’Agenda du développement post-2015 (14 novembre – 5 décembre)

Faîtes vous entendre!

Les Nations Unies lancent une discussion en ligne sur les Inégalités et les personnes avec un handicap dans l’Agenda du développement  post-2015 (14 novembre – 5 décembre)


nov 20, 2012

Call for papers Annual Conference of the Society for Latin American Studies SLAS 2013

Call for papers Annual Conference of the Society for Latin American Studies SLAS 2013,University of Manchester, 11th-12th April 2013

The deadline is 24th November 2012.

We welcome abstracts for the following Panel:
Public heritage and national identities: tracing continuities and discontinuities in Latin America

This panel explores how public heritage intersects with national identities in Latin America. Substantive literature discusses whether public memorialisation of past facts is to be seen as a neo-colonial tool through which the state and/or international bodies such as UNESCO discipline, normalise and objectify memory, with the risk of hiding alternative histories. Other literature, instead, looks at the de-colonial potential of public memory, highlighting the way by which certain groups make their history visible through heritage, and contest official narratives of the nation. That said, little research concretely explores the ways in which public heritage is used to shape and/or question national identity in Latin America. In Peru, official food heritage is shaping a ‘modern’ image of national identity at home and abroad, by selecting certain native ingredients and marginalising others. In Brazil, recent public use of slave memory reflects some changes in Brazilian national identity and challenges its traditional view as a ‘mixed-race’ society.

We look for abstracts that address intersections of heritage and national identity across the region, in order to trace similarities and differences. Welcome, for instance, will be papers dealing with relations between national identity and memorialisation of dictatorship crimes, papers dealing with the way the nation is represented in national feasts, music and literature, cinema, national brand advertising, representations of the nation in money notes, stamps, and so on.


André Cicalo (Freie Universität Berlin)
Raul Matta (Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle)
To upload an abstract for this panel, please, click on the following link:

nov 15, 2012

Call for papers : Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS) Annual Conference, University of Manchester, 11th-12th April 2013

Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS) Annual Conference, University of Manchester, 11th-12th April 2013

Call for Abstracts Panel 07: Mobility, migration and transformations in Latin America

Mobility and migration have been fundamental in transforming geographical, cultural, social, technological and political actors, spaces and dynamics in Latin America. From peasants’ journeys from rural to urban areas to the brain drain, the significance of processes of mobility and migration have had an influence on structural arrangements at all levels (ie, societal, familial, occupational), changing our understanding of the forms globalisation takes for countries, communities and individuals in the region. The panel is interested in exploring the relationship between mobility, migration and transformations to subject positions, identities and materialities in Latin America.

The panel welcomes works addressing dynamics of mobility and migration from, to and within the region that help to reflect on the following themes and questions:

• Experiences of mobility and migration (ie, who migrates and why? How do mobility and migration mediate identity construction and meanings of belonging? What dynamics underlie the gendering of migration? What consequences do mobility and migration bring for individuals’ work and life?)

• Material consequences of mobility and migration (i.e., what is the impact on social relations, arrangements, and power dynamics?)

• Mobility and migration as processes of political organisation, communal formation and/or personal agency (i.e., how are mobility and migration political processes? What are their implications on the temporal and spatial reconfiguration of self?)

If you are interested in submitting an abstract to present a paper in the panel, please click here. At the end of the long abstract, there is a link to Propose a paper. Please note that all abstract proposals must be made using this link. Deadline for abstract submission is the 25th of November 2012.

If you would like to discuss your ideas for paper before submitting your abstract, you can send us a message through the panel page (clicking on Mail all convenors) or you can send us an email in the traditional way (from your email account!) at and

You can find more information about the event, including a list of all the panels, by going to the Conference website.


nov 15, 2012

Call for papers : Society for Latin American Studies Annual Conference

Society for Latin American Studies Annual Conference panel : Peasants, liberalism and race in the Americas

This panel seeks to explore the interrelationship among, peasant agriculture, liberal political projects, and race from a comparative perspective across Latin America and the Caribbean.


Taking as its conceptual starting point Sidney Mintz’s argument that ‘Caribbean peasantries represent a mode of response to the plantation system and its connotations, and a mode of resistance to imposed styles of life’ (Mintz, 1974) this panel seeks to address the historical and contemporary relationship among peasantries, liberal politics, and race across Latin America and the Caribbean.

Papers may address a wide range of problems such as: popular mobilisation against slavery and/or colonial rule; peasant farming as resistance to wage labour and/or 20th century neo-colonial economic policies; the relationship between peasant life and concepts of freedom in the Americas; the uses, and limits, of liberalism in Latin American and Caribbean popular politics; the place of the peasantry in racial thought of the Americas; the relationship between historically black peasantries and indigenous rural communities; contemporary government policies regarding small scale agriculture and their socio-political consequences.

For the purposes of the panel the term peasant is meant to include different forms of small scale agriculture such as: ‘traditional’ peasant farming, ‘reconstituted peasantries’, landless rural workers, maroon, cimarron and quilombo communities. ‘Liberalism’ should be understood in its broadest sense as a political philosophy based on the ideas of liberty, equality and universal rights – put into practice in very diverse ways. Furthermore, race and racism may be analysed from material, symbolic or ideological perspectives.

Please submit paper abstracts for this panel via the SLAS 2013 conference website:



nov 15, 2012

Call for papers : Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS) Annual Conference University of Manchester, 11-12 April 2013

Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS) Annual Conference University of Manchester, 11-12 April 2013. Call for Papers Panel 12: ‘Paradigms, policies and practices of diversity: pluriculturalism, language use and education among Latin American indigenous peoples’

Convenors :

Rosaleen Howard (Newcastle University)

Sheila Aikman (University of East Anglia)

Josep Cru (Newcastle University)

In the context of constitutional reforms in the new millennium, many Latin American countries have brought fresh legislation to bear on issues of language rights, cultural diversity, and pluricultural education for indigenous peoples. The 1990s principle of equality in diversity, enshrined in the contested (‘neo-liberal’) concepts of multiculturalism and interculturalism (Hale 2002, JLAS 34, 3), has evolved, and may now be expressed in emergent (‘indigenist’) discourses of intraculturality, decolonization and ‘living well.’ The panel will examine whether, and in what ways, the new legislation, and the principles evoked in the emergent discourses, are being carried through in practice. We shall seek to highlight the political, social, and ideological conditions which may underpin the frequent inconsistencies in the relationship between policy design and its implementation – in the fields of indigenous language and education rights. Papers are invited that look at any aspect of these issues in any country or region of Latin America, for example: the politics of language and education policy; language ideologies; curriculum design; language planning for indigenous languages; language rights in theory and practice; and others. Comparative and/or critical discourse frameworks of analysis are welcome. The panel will build on the debates that emerged from the British Academy UK-Latin America and the Caribbean Link Project ‘Paradigms of Cultural Diversity and Social Inclusion’ (2010-2012;

Papers are invited for the following panel. Abstracts should be submitted on-line via the Conference website at

Closing date for abstract submissions: 25 November 2012

nov 15, 2012

Contribuciones a ser publicadas en el Anuario de Antropología Social y Cultura

Les enviamos la convocatoria para contribuciones a ser publicadas en el Anuario de Antropología Social y Cultural, número correspondiente al 2013.
Les agradecemos la atención y difusión,

saludos cordiales,

Sonnia Romero Gorski – Editora Marcelo Rossal – Asistente de Edición

convocatoria 2013 anuario

nov 15, 2012

Call For Papers : Conference « Colonial and Postcolonial Urban Planning in Africa »

Call for Papers International Planning History Society (IPHS) & Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal : « COLONIAL AND POSTCOLONIAL URBAN PLANNING IN AFRICA »

Lisbon, 5-6 September 2013

The Conference – Colonial and Postcolonial Urban Planning in Africa – aims to re-examine the history of colonial urban planning in Africa and its legacies in the post-independence period, to learn from contemporary African scholarship, and to discuss how postcolonial urban planning cultures can actually address these urban challenges and contribute effectively for the development of resilient-sustainable cities in Africa.

The Conference, to be held in Lisbon, in September 2013, organized by the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning – University of Lisbon and the International Planning History Society (IPHS), will explore two key themes in the history of urban planning in Africa:

Theme I– 19th and 20th Century Colonial Urban Planning in Africa

Theme II– Postcolonial Urban Planning in Africa

In both themes we welcome country and cross-country approaches, studies of individual cities, and the comparison of African cities with one another. We invite researchers, planners and postgraduate students to present critical analyses of the multifaceted urban planning experience in Africa.


All submissions will be peer-reviewed for content and appropriateness to this conference.


One of the expected outcomes of the conference is the publication of a selection of papers in an edited book and in peer-reviewed academic journals. Plans have been made for possible publication in the IPHS section of the journal « Planning Perspectives – An International Journal of History, Planning and the Environment ». Plans have also been made for the submission of a selection of papers to the « Journal of Contemporary African Studies ». The selected manuscripts will undergo the standard peer-review process of these journals.

We hope the conference will also provide the opportunity for the development of an inter-disciplinary and inter-generational research
network which might help to advance critical thinking about urban planning in Africa.


Abstracts are due before January 15, 2013. Notices of acceptance will be sent by e-mail on February 15, 2013.


All colleagues interested to participate in the conference are invited to submit, by e-mail, an abstract (up to 500 words), by no later than 15 January 2013, to:  Carlos Nunes Silva
Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning
University of Lisbon, Portugal


Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal.


nov 15, 2012

Appel à communication : 5ème congrès du réseau des associations francophones de science politique

5ème congrès du réseau des associations francophones de science politique les 24, 25 et 26 avril 2013 à Luxembourg- Ville (

Appel à communication pour le panel : Populismes d’Amérique latine et populismes d’Europe : des processus politiques comparables ?

Informations complémentaires en pièce-jointe : Appel à communication 5ème congrès du réseau des associations francophones de science politique-1

Formulaire com. Luxembourg

nov 15, 2012

Appel à communication : Les journées du développement ATM

XXIXèmes Journées du développement ATM 2013 Economie informelle et développement : emploi, financement et régulations dans un contexte de crises UNIVERSITE PARIS-EST CRETEIL 6, 7 et 8 juin 2013

Les journées du développement ATM se déroulent chaque année, dans un pays du Nord ou du Sud, en partenariat avec une université.

Le thème de ce XXIXème colloque portera sur « Economie informelle et développement : emploi, financement et régulations dans un contexte de crises ».

Le secteur informel, dont l’invention de ce terme par le Bureau International du Travail (BIT) remonte à quatre décennies, a fait l’objet de définitions successives et extensives. Il suscite des débats (e.g. développementistes vs. institutionnalistes) sur la rémanence, voire la résilience, de l’activité des micro-entreprises, distinctes quoique non séparées de celles de l’économie formelle, attestant de la segmentation plus ou moins prononcée sur le marché du travail et sur le marché du crédit.

Principal pourvoyeur d’opportunités d’emploi et de revenu, notamment pour les plus pauvres, et en premier lieu pour les femmes, ce secteur représenterait plus de 50% de l’emploi mondial selon le BIT. La taille du secteur informel est fortement corrélée avec le niveau de développement économique d’un pays. Cependant, l’ampleur du secteur et de l’emploi informel serait encore mal identifiée et selon des méthodes d’estimations différentes, sinon divergentes.

Le secteur informel résulterait de l’incapacité de l’économie formelle à générer suffisamment d’emploi pour absorber l’accroissement de la main-d’œuvre non qualifiée. Il jouerait en ce sens un rôle d’amortisseur en temps de crise. Cependant, le caractère procyclique ou non de l’économie informelle est discuté. Au regard du contexte de compétitivité accrue,  la sous-traitance par les firmes multinationales dans certains secteurs à forte intensité de travail participerait de l’extension de l’économie informelle.

Une réglementation contraignante et une corruption élevée, c’est-à-dire une défaillance de la gouvernance institutionnelle, figurent parmi les facteurs explicatifs qui conduisent certains experts à s’interroger sur le secteur informel : est-il un obstacle qu’il convient de réduire (par l’éradication ou par des incitations à la formalisation) ou représente-t-il une solution ?

Les axes de la réflexion initiée recouvrent quatre aspects principaux :

1) Les définitions, les mesures et les impacts macro-économiques de l’économie informelle,

2) Les déterminants micro-économiques de l’emploi informel – le jeu des acteurs et les secteurs,

3) Le financement des micro-entreprises et des ménages – finance informelle et microfinance,

4) Eradication et inclusion : les régulations de l’informel et leurs coûts associés.

La réflexion s’inscrit dans une démarche pluridisciplinaire (économie et gestion, sociologie, démographie, géographie, sciences de l’environnement, droit et science politique, anthropologie) relative à l’étude d’un phénomène économique majeur. Les travaux peuvent relever d’une approche par pays ou de l’analyse comparative. La dimension méso-économique des secteurs d’activité et des études de cas (e.g. impact social et environnemental) est également recherchée.

Informations complémentaires en pièce jointe : ATM Creteil 2013 8 11 12

nov 15, 2012

Prix jeune chercheur musiques populaires

Le  « Prix jeune chercheur » de l’Iaspm-bfE récompense chaque année un article en français, inédit, portant sur les musiques populaires. Aucune restriction dans l’angle disciplinaire de l’article. L’auteur doit être inscrit cette année universitaire en master ou doctorat. Le lauréat touche un chèque de 200 euros et son texte est publié dans la revue Volume. Si, comme certaines années, plusieurs articles retiennent l’attention du jury, le comité du concours peut faire des propositions de publication aux divers auteurs. La date limite de remise de l’article, comme fichier informatique anonyme, respectant les normes universitaires de présentation, est le 31 janvier 2013.

Le prix est décerné en juin, lors de l’AG de l’association « For the Study of Popular Music ». Le jury est constitué d’universitaires francophones appartenant à des disciplines diverses et n’enseignant pas dans une université française afin d’éviter les risques de partialité. Les trois sessions passées montrent l’efficacité du concours pour susciter des textes et des recherches intéressantes.

Précisions utiles :

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