nov 27, 2012

Colloque « Visions of Socialism(s) in Eastern Europe: Visual Cultures and the Writing of History » (13 & 14 décembre, Paris)

9.30 – Welcome address by Christian Lequesne, director of CERI-Sciences Po
9.40 – Introduction by Nadège Ragaru, CNRS/CERI-Sciences Po
9.45-11.15 Panel I – Socialism(s) as Future-Past: Inhabiting Utopia
Panel Chair: Thomas Lindenberger, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam (ZZF), head of department ‘Communism and Society’
The Seeing Self: ‘Building Socialism’ in Polish Competition Memoirs
Katherine Lebow, Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna
Imagining the Cybernetic Future in 1960s Czechoslovakia
Sarah Marks, UCL Centre for the History of Psychological Disciplines, London
Discussant: Grégory Dufaud, Labex TEPSIS

Coffee break 11.15-11.30

11.30-13.00 Panel II – Back to the Future: The Mysteries of Socialist Science

Panel Chair: Anne-Marie Losonczy, EPHE & Université libre de Bruxelles
An Oracle in the Vicinity of Todor Zhivkov ? Baba Vanga’s Visions in Bulgarian Late Socialism
Galia Valtchinova, University of Toulouse-Le-Mirail
Imaginer le possible, calculer l’insaisissable, voir le futur : la catastrophe, les scientifiques et la ville au Kazakhstan soviétique
Discussant: Sophie Houdart, CNRS, Laboratoire d’Ethnologie et de Sociologie comparative, Nanterre

Lunch break 13.00-14.30

14.30-16.00 Panel III – « Seeing like a State »: Building Socialism and/or the Nation?
Panel Chair: Thomas Lindenberger, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam (ZZF), head of department ‘Communism and Society’
Performing the Nation: Music Historiography, the Canon, and the Construction of the Socialist Citizen in the early GDR
Elaine Kelly, University of Edinburgh
Au théâtre de la nation. Les façonnages hungaro-roumains du théâtre à Oradea (Roumanie)
Antonela Capelle-Pog?cean, CERI-Sciences Po
Discussant: Larissa Zakharova, EHESS/CERCEC

Coffee break 16.00-16.15

16.15-18.00 Panel IV – Looking beyond East and West: Towards a Connected History of Socialisms?
Panel Chair and discussant: Yves Cohen, EHESS, CRH
Soviet Solidarity with the Third World: The Domestic Dimensions of Policies and Representations
Constantin Katsakioris, EHESS
Beyond East and West: Film Festivals and International Solidarity with the South
Caroline Moine, University Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
L’UNIATEC ou comment les échanges techniques ont pu avoir lieu entre l’Europe de l’Ouest et l’Europe de l’Est
Clémence Schmitt, University of Paris IV-La Sorbonne


9.30-11.00 Panel I – Visions as Rememoration: The Multifold Temporalities of Socialism
Panel Chair and discussant: Elisabeth Anstett, IRIS-EHESS
Imagining and Remembering Lenin’s Body
Alexei Yurchak, University of California
A Transnational Production of Bulgarian Socialism? The (Time) Travels of Gorna Dzhumaya’s Theater in the 1940s
Nadège Ragaru, CNRS/CERI-Sciences Po
Cinema in an earlier time: post-Soviet movie talk as a site of cultural memory
Sudha Rajagopalan, University of Utrecht

Coffee break 11.00-11.15

11.15-12.45 Panel II – Visions and Knowledge: Sight, Sound and Touch in Writing the History of East European Socialisms
Panel Chair: Larissa Zakharova, EHESS/CERCEC
Comment penser l’articulation entre le son et l’image dans les cultures visuelles ? Réflexion à partir de la sonorisation du cinéma dans l’URSS des années 1920-1930
Valérie Pozner, CNRS, ARIAS, University of Paris III
Beyond Images: Soviet Times and Spaces under Moscow’s Streets
Gabor Rittersporn, CNRS/EHESS, CERCEC
Discussant: Jérôme Bazin, University of Paris Est Créteil

Lunch break 12.45-14.15

14.15-15.45 Panel III – Beyond Eastern Europe: Images and Acts of Seeing in the Writing of History
A debate between:
Stéphane Van Damme, Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po
Camille Lefevbre, CNRS-CEMAf Paris
Anne Kerlan, CNRS-IHTP
Kristian Feigelson, University of Paris III/EHESS (CRESPA)

Coffee break 15.45-16.00

16.00-17.15 Documentary Screening
Stuf (The Reed) by Titus Mesaros, 1966.
Mai Multi Vinovati si o victima (Several Culprits and a Victim) by Oviviu Bose Pastina, 1983.
Both documentaries will be introduced by Alina Popescu, University of Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense

Le colloque se déroulera en anglais et en français.

Responsable scientifique: Nadège Ragaru, CNRS/CERI-Sciences Po

CERI-56 rue Jacob, 75006 Paris / Salle des conférences

Entrée libre

