déc 20, 2012

EADI eNewsletter #12/2012 (Dec): Outlook 2013

Bonner Impulse: Social protection in EU development cooperation

In its recent communication on “Social Protection in European Union Development Cooperation”, the EU affirms the value of social protection for overcoming socio-economic inequalities and for promoting inclusive growth. Social protection is defined as a set of “policies and actions that enhance the capacity of all people, but notably poor and vulnerable groups, to escape from poverty, or avoid falling into poverty, and better manage risks and shocks”. It includes both social securities, such as income security, and access to essential services, most notably health and education.
How will the Union translate its values and commitments into concrete action in partner countries? This and more questions will be discussed at a panel on 20 February 2013, in Bonn.

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Summer School 2013: The Politics and Economics of Aid

From 24 June – 5 July 2013, the University of Antwerp (BE), Universidad de Cantabria (ES), University of Birmingham (UK), Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL), University of Florence (IT) and the University of Olomouc (CZ) jointly organise the first Summer School on the Politics and Economics of Aid in Antwerp, in cooperation with EADI.

Application: Until 01/02/2013 for invited PhD students, Erasmus IP and 01/05/2013 for other participants. The summer school is an Erasmus Life Long Learning Intensive Programme.

More information


Forthcoming in 2013

28 February – 1 March 2013, Practical Skills for Conducting Evaluations in Development Organizations, Bonn

15 March 2013, The Audit and Control of EU Funded Projects, Bonn

18 March 2013, Europe’s Next Research Era: Horizon 2020, in Bonn


News from EADI Working Groups :

Global Learning Meets Development Working Group: Report of launch meeting
The new working group « Global Learning meets Development » of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI) came together for the first time in Lisbon on 26 September 2012, in the run up to the 2nd European Global Education Congress. 19 participants from 9 different countries, representing a broad range of academic and civil society research institutions, engaged in a vivid debate about the (missing) links between the development and global learning discourses, and the research challenges for the development education (DE) sector.


Featured organisation :

U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre is a web-based resource centre for development practitioners who wish to effectively address corruption challenges in their work. We aim to provide users with relevant anti-corruption resources; including our own applied research, publications, a helpdesk service and online training. It is operated by the Chr.Michelsen Institute, Norway.


Calls :

Call for Papers: The Rush of China and India to Africa: State versus Market Driven Development Cooperation Strategies. Deadline: 20 January 2013
International Workshop by the EADI Europe-Asia Working Group & EADI Industrialization Working Group on 17-18 May 2013

Call for Papers: The Rise of New Periphery in the World. Deadline: 1 February 2013
Workshop of the EADI Working Group on Transformation in the World System – Comparative Studies of Development, Kiev, 19-21 September 2013

Announcement: PEGNet Conference 2013
How to Shape Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Economies in the Developing World ─ Global, Regional, and Local Solutions
Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
October 17-18, 2013. Call for Papers will be published.

Publications :
18 December: International Migrants Day. A selection of recent publications on migration by EADI members:

Settling In: OECD Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2012
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Migration and Multi-Dimensional Poverty in Moldovan Communities (PDF)
UNU/MERIT; Working Paper 077/2012; Authors: Melissa Siegel, Jennifer Waidler

Environmental Change and Migration: Perspectives for Future Action
Deutsches Institut fuer Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Analysen und Stellungnahmen 11/2012, Author: Benjamin Schraven

Transnationale Migrantengruppen und der Transport von Konflikten (pdf)
Institut fuer Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF), INEF-Report 105/2012, Author: Jan Hanrath

European Good Practice Examples of Migration and Development Initiatives (pdf)
Vienna Institute for International Dialoge and Cooperation (vidc), Authors: Marlene Keusch and Nadja Schuster

Making A Living in Rural Sudan
Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Other publications 7, Book, Author: Elke Grawert

Assessment of the Development Potential of the Guinea-Bissau Diaspora in Portugal and France (pdf)
Centro de Estudos sobre África e do Desenvolvimento (CESA); International Organization for Migration (IOM), Final Report from the Project « Estudo diagnóstico da diáspora guineense em Portugal e França »; Project Team: Carlos Sangreman et al.

Las comunidades autonomas espanolas en el proceso decisorio de la UE. Un callejon con salida
Center for International Relations and Development Studies (CIDOB); Monograph, Revista CIDOB d’afers internacionals, núm. 99; Coordinators: Susana Beltrán, John Etherington

International Institute of Social Studies :

Governance, Democratization and Public Policy – 17 April – 24 May 2013
This new Executive Course provides an overview of current realities and practices to enhance the quality of governance, in relation to socio-economic and political dynamics and the roles of local, national and global governance institutions. The 5 weeks course is a mix of interactive teaching, group exercises, excursions and individual work.

ATLANTIS Transatlantic Degree Program
A two-year Double Degree programme intended to prepare students to work effectively with security and development practitioners from Europe and the United States and to develop future practitioners who have a mutual understanding of European and American security and development paradigms. Deadline: 1 February 2013

