mar 28, 2013

Workshop ressources naturelles et mondialisation CIRED (23 mai, Paris)

Le CIRED et la SMASH, en partenariat avec le projet EUFP7 Globis et la chaire de modélisation prospective ont le plaisir de vous inviter au workshop : Globalization, Natural Resource Constraintsand the different Scales of Sustainable Pathways Jeudi 23 mai 2013, de 10h à 17h15* Amphithéâtre 1er étage du bâtiment CIRED, campus du Jardin Tropical, Nogent-sur-Marne

Summary* Guaranteeing a fair access of current and future generations to scarce resources is a central challenge of sustainable development that fosters intense debate in different scientific disciplines. In this debate, the effect of the rapidly evolving socio-economic context, characterized by an accelerating Globalization process, on the use of natural resources is one of the main points of contention. Against this background, this workshop seeks to determine whether the tensions on natural resources are exacerbated, or on the contrary mitigated, by the ongoing Globalization process in a context of uncertainties. One the one hand, Globalization of markets can avoid tensions on local resources by making energy supply easier. On the other hand, the rapid economic growth induced by globalization can increase tensions on resources and limit transition towards sustainable pathways. The workshop more precisely focuses on the energy as in the core issue in relation to climate change mitigation, and agriculture and food sector as one of the basic challenges for the global development through a multiscale perspective and by confronting quantitative and qualitative works. The first part will analyze the long term challenges posed to Europe and developing countries by oil dependency and climate change in the context of socio-economic and political globalization. Local implications of global challenges will be analyzed at the urban scale. The second part will concentrate on the tensions implied by the globalization of food markets and the tensions they imply on land use and food security. Specific insights will be provided on the constitution of a global land market and land grabbing. A final round table will address the challenges raised by these issues for the cooperation between North and South in view of the current negotiations on Post Kyoto framework. Part of these works have been conducted in the framework of the EUFP7 Globis project and were also supported by the chair Long term modeling for sustainable development.

9h30 Opening
10h Introduction (Jean Charles Hourcade, CIRED/chaire MPDD)
10h15 Sustainability, Globalization and the Energy sector
Session 1 Global Resource Constraints in a Globalized Economy; Issues for a Sustainable Energy Transition

Chair/moderator: Michel Colombier (IDDRI, tbc)
Transition toward a Low Carbon Society and the Globalization Process: A European perspective (Henri Waisman, Christophe Cassen, SMASH/CIRED/chaire MPDD)
Perspectives from Developing Countries (Yacob Mulugetta, University of Surrey)

11h15-11h30 Pause
Session 2 Local Implications to Global Problems: the Urban Dimension of Sustainable Energy Transitions
Chair/moderator: Frédérik de Conninck(ENPC/labex futurs urbains)
Cities as a Levier for Climate Policies : a French perspective (Eric Vidalenc, Ademe)
Cities, Transportation in a Climate Constraint World (Andreas Schäfer, Energy Institute University College)

12h45 Lunch

13h45 Globalization, land use Constraints, Food Security
Session 1Global Resource Constraints in a Globalized Economy: Issues for Sustainable Diet Transition
Chair/moderator: Paul Weaver (Lund University)
Globalization and Tensions on Land Use (Thierry Brunelle, CIRED)
Global Land Use Change, Economic Globalization and the Looming Land Scarcity Patrick Meyfroidt (University of Louvain)

15h-15h15 Pause
Session 2 Local Implications to Global Problems: Land Grabbing, Land Scarcity and Food Security
Chair/moderator: Lennart Olson (Lund University)
Insights on Land Grabbing Issue (Jean Jacques Gabas, CIRAD)
From Land Scarcity to Food Security (Vincent Gitz, coord High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition, tbc)

16h30 Wrap up Implications for International Cooperation and Overseas Assistance
Joachim Oliveira Martins (OCDE), Jean Charles Hourcade (CIRED/chaire MPDD), Christian Castellanet (GRET,tbc), Véronique Sauvat (AFD, tbc)

17h15 Cocktail

Si vous souhaitez participer à ce workshop veuillez répondre à l’adresse suivante:
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