juil 16, 2013

Forum VI Innovation is now scheduled for October 2-4, 2014. This conference will mainly focus on « Crisis, Innovation and Transition ».

Next year’s Forum VI Innovation will take place at the University of Paris Ouest, Nanterre, La Défense. It is produced in partnership with EconomiX (CNRS-University of Paris Ouest, Nanterre, La Défense), the Research Network on Innovation, and the Centre d’Etudes de l’Emploi. This conference provides a forum for discussion to scholars from a variety of disciplines ranging from industrial economics, innovation economics, economic geography, management science, legal studies, network theory and labour economics. Proposals of round-tables or special sessions or tracks are also highly expected. Calendar for submissions is already available and additional details including the full agenda, sessions, presenters, and registration information will be provided soon on the website of the conference:

For more information on Forum Innovation please review last years website here:
For any complement of information please contact :
Nadine Levratto : nadine.levratto@u-paris10.fr for organisation
Maria Breidy : maria.breidy@u-paris10.fr for coordination
Frédéric Lebiet : frederic.lebiet@u-paris10.fr for the website
Mark your calendars and visit the web site frequently for information and updates !

