nov 4, 2013

Africa & Food: challenges, risks and opportunities – (6 December 2013, Ghent, Belgium)

Africa and Food: challenges, risks and opportunities
Date: Friday 6 December 2013

8h30:Registration + coffee
9h00: Opening of the symposium by *Patrick Van Damme*, president of the Africa Platform
9h15:Annual Distinguished Lecture on Africa (ADLA) by *Mitiku Haile,* Mekelle University
[/Challenges and Prospects of Agricultural Land Outsourcing in Africa: Case of Ethiopia/]
10h00 — 11h20: *Session 1 *
*Panel A: Food production / Panel B: Historical approaches to food in Africa*
11h20:Coffee break
11h50 — 13h30: *Session 2 *
*Panel A: Food security**/* *Panel B:* *North-south collaboration and the impact on nutrition in Africa*
13h30: Lunch, while the posters of junior Africa researchers are presented
14h30 — 16h00: *Session 3 *
*Panel A: Food security & safety / Panel B: Food and challenges in contemporary African societies*
16h00: Coffee break
16h30:Keynote addressby *James C. McCann*, Boston University [/Authenticity and Modernization in African Rustic Cuisine/]
17h00: Round table on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Food in Africa
Moderator:*Patrick Kolsteren*(Ghent University, ITG)
Discussants:*Carl Lachat*(Ghent University)**
*Mitiku Haile* (Mekelle University)
*James McCann*(Boston University)
*Chris **Claes*(Vredeseilanden)
18h30:Reception and further presentation of the posters
20h00:Conference dinner
*Date:*Friday 6 December 2013
*Venue: *Provinciehuis, Gouvernementstraat 1, 9000 Gent
*Registration fee:*Ba & Ma students: 10 euro — PhD students: 20 euro — others: 50 euro

*Registration required:* <>

