déc 5, 2013

Call for paper PORTUSplus – Final Deadline December 15, 2013

The Call for papers PORTUSplus http://www.portusonline.org/en/portusplus/call-for-paper-2013 is open to articles from the world of science, academics and culture, from experts and technicians, from contributors who operate within institutions and research centers and in general from anyone who in any position has knowledge and experience in the various disciplines that deal with the following themes

A. History of port cities

B. Economy and business

C. Contemporary port cities and new port-city relations models

D. Future scenarios: planning and prospects

E. Restructuring urban-port waterfronts

F. Architecture and port city landscape

G. Urban-port development and environmental sustainability

H. Culture and identity

I. Port city didactics

J. Infrastructures, transport, intermodality, logistics

K. Port, city and territory

The papers submitted will be evaluated by a ReviewCommittee (composed of members of the RETE Scientific Committee and a Committee of International Experts) and, if they are considered worthy, will be published in the PORTUSplus digital magazine.

All the papers selected by the Review Committee to be published by PORTUSplus in the online magazine PORTUS, will be given an ISSN code (International Standard Serial Number), the international number that identifies standard publications.


Presentation of the papers

The rules for participating in the “Call for papers” require, under penalty of exclusion, that the following documents be submitted:

  • the Declaration of Responsibility (Attachment A) and the Registration Form (Attachment B) filled out and signed by each author (.DOC file format with digital signature, or .PDF or.JPG file format with scan of the original signature)
  • an “Abstract” in the .DOC file format with a maximum of 1.000 characters – spaces included – in English, in the Required Format (Attachment C)
  • a “Report” in .DOC file format maximum 20,000 characters – spaces included – with images, charts, tables and relative captions, in the Required Format (Attachment C)
  • images in high definition, 300 dpi, files in format .JPG/.TIFF
  • a brief Profile of the Author (Attachment D) in the .DOC file format

The Attachments may be downloaded on the website of PORTUS: www.portusonline.org in the section “PORTUSplus” – “Call for papers 2013”.


The papers may be submitted exclusively in the following languages: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian.

Deadline for the submission of the papers

Participation in the selection of articles may be requested by responding to the “Call for papers” before December 15, 2013 following the instructions for submission


The papers submitted for the evaluation of the Review Committee and all required documentation must be sent to the Scientific Secretariat of PORTUSplus.


Scientific Secretariat
Arch. Oriana Giovinazzi

E-mail address: portusplus@portusonline.org
Web site: http://www.portusonline.org/en/portusplus/call-for-paper-2013

